Bail Out or Hand Out? That is the ultimate question at the moment isn't it. This question is the most important question of our time that needs to be taken seriously and not just brushed off. Our elected officials who are suppose to voice the concerns for the masses have become completely contempt about this who song and dance that is occurring. Our markets are in turmoil and greed is surpassing the American way. It is time we stood up for ourselves and put a stop to the nonsense that Washington and Wall Street have both taken part in over the years. This bail out bill or amendment or piece of toilet paper what ever you prefer to call it will destroy our country and brings us into a depression unlike any other. The dollar is at it's weakest point, Large Banking institutions are failing, foreclosures across the board are sky high and it seems that the American people are more worried about the next lie to come out of Mccain or Obama's mouth. Both of the presidential candidates have had hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars given to their campaigns by the same banking institutions and corporations that are falling apart and destroying our economy. Why should we support these two candidates who have been supported by special interests & untrustworthy corporations for their entire campaigns? I hate to write about the negative and would prefer to stay on point and discuss Las Vegas Luxury High Rise Condos but there are so few of us in the Real Estate industry and country for that matter who understand what is happening, I felt compelled to write briefly about what devastations we are facing as a country if we don't snap out of this daze we are in. Below are a few videos that will show you that our entire Congress is not corrupt with greed and that there still are some true American patriots who have our best interest at heart. Please pay attention to the videos because these people are trying to save our Country from total destruction from with in & they need our help.