I have been reporting on the local High Rise Condo market and it's latest activity for all my readers and everyone interested in the oppotunity's it has for the simple reason to clear the air of all doom and gloom talk because the sun is always shininng in Las Vegas. The credit crunch has hurt many people through out our Nation, oil & gas prices through the roof have taken a signifigant toll on everyone, foreclosure rates at all time highs are forcing familys to loose their homes, and a weak dollar is not good for any of us. Over the last year there have been huge record breaking sales of ultra luxury propertys from estate homes to High Rise Condos and most of them have been for straight CASH. Not many people have covered this type of activity because unfortunatly the masses eat up drama like there is no tomorow. This means alot in my opinion because i see big money moving into town which means the city is

Lets me expalne something for those who might not be following me. Peoples have experienced emotional disstress over having everything in their lives turned upside down from gas to grocerys they can't imagine purchasing a house because NOBODY else is for one and secondly the media tells them the horror stories right before they go to sleep at night. If you are smart and educated you can see this is a perfect time to buy because prices are at all time lows, sellers are extremly motivated and more and more peopl are due to catch on to this so prices will naturally rise once agian to places we have never seen before. These are confusing times but if we listen to comon sense, reman calm and aline our selves with true profesionals we can aviod regretable mistakes.