There have been many questions surrounding the new Las Vegas Condo Hotel opportunity's since their debut. One question is, will they actually produce some sort of cash flow for the owners, and another question is will they last? I have some thoughts about these kinds of projects i would like to share with everyone. First things first you have to understand that every persons situation is different and not every condo hotel was bought in the same conditions. For example you might have paid more for a unite than the person who owns the one across the hall from you which would mean that theirs might produce cash flow before yours because of the lower purchase price. Another thing you must think and know about before you buy is what are the management fees and any other cost that come along with owning a property of this nature. Allot of disgruntled buyers are upset at the wrong people over their situations, blaming their problems on the developer or management company's when in fact they should be furious with who ever, if anybody, represented them in their purchase. I feel that it is the responsibility of the Realtor who is representing the buyer to educate them and make them aware of everything before they purchase otherwise they could quit possibly end up loosing money or their property. There have been Condo Hotel buyers who have had great success and others who have had nothing but head aches. I feel that people who are upset and disgruntled get a whole lot more attention than anyone who has been successful with there Condo Hotel from the news and other sources of media. I read in the Las Vegas Sun today a very interesting story
about the Condo Hotel scene that made made some very interesting points. (read the full article here) Like i have said before and i will say it again you always need to make sure that your have the best representation possible when buying any kind of High Rise Condo here in Las Vegas whether it's a strictly residential development or Condo Hotel because there are allot of ins and outs that might be missed if you let your guard down. If you are a Las Vegas Condo Hotel owner and would like to express you satisfaction or dissatisfaction please leave your comments. Once again remeber to always get the best representation when buying any kind of Real Estae especially a luxury High Rose Condo here in Las Vegas.