By now all of my readers should realize that I specialize in the High Rise Condo market here in Las Vegas. Over the last few months i've worked with a very broad array of individuals from all over the world who have been looking to purchase a luxury High Rise Condominium here in Las Vegas. Of course everyone wants the best deal possible and i make sure thats exactly what each of my clients gets in every transaction. There has been a sustantial increase of buyer intrest at MGM Grand Signature from every corner of the world. There are some great deals in this development at the moment but there are also some property's that are just priced rediculous. Check out my Top Picks for MGM Grand Signature Towers HERE. If you venture west of the strip just a few feet you will come across MGM's multi billion dollar NEW development City Center which will also have a Hotel Condo named Vdara which just recently Toped Out at over 600'. Both developments MGM Grand Signature & City Center are true maasterpieces that make great additions to the ever changing Las Vegas Skyline. By the end of
2008 all of the buildings in City Center are expected to be at full hieghts. I feel that if you have been sitting around thinking and contemplating about buying your very own Las Vegas High Rise Condo you need to get up and take action.

I mentioned that there are some great deals at MGM Grand Siganture Towers but you can find some fantastic deals at every Las Vegas High Rise Condo development if you have the right Realtor working for you who specializes in the High Rise Condo market. I know this is off topic but just the other day i was conducting a search for a client of mine and found a ONE of a Kind deal at Panorama Towers, i could hardly believe it myself when i found it. The deal was a 2 bedroom 2.5 bath, 2374 square feet, on the 18th floor for ONLY $899,000. I know some of you are sitting there thinking well thats alot of money Makea, not if you look at it in price per square foot, it's only $379 a square foot, and it sounds nicer too:) Like i said
there has been an increase of intrest in MGM Grand Signature but there are deals of equal or greater value elsewhere also.