Today I though I would put together a few graphs that illustrate the sales at Panorama Towers 1&2, The Signature At MGM, & Turnberry Place, which by the way were the top 3 selling developments for the summer of 08. As you can see by the graphs and information below,
LV High Rise Condo Sales prices are just a fraction off from list price. In the Last quarter of this year you can expect to see sales continue to increase with a slight dip in prices due to more High Rise repo inventory that will be coming onto the market in the next couple of months. There are definitely some awesome deals on the market at the current time but there are also some sucker beats as well. This is an extremely tricky market we are in at the moment and as the year ends thing will only become more complicated but lucrative as well. For the right buyer Las Vegas High Rise Condos present an
extraordinary opportunity that if not seized will soon disappear. Thanks for reading and i hope this information sheds some light on the negative headlines that are flying around out their while providing you with the knowledgeable LV High Rise Condo Information you want & need.

Green=List Price
Red=Sold Price
Blue Line=Days On Market
Click Here For Panorama Towers Summer 08 Sale--------Bd-- Bth ---SQFT ---Lp ---------SP
High ----2 --3----- 2406 ---$1200000-- $960000
Low ----1 ---2 -----732---- $319000---- $290000
Average 1 ---2---- 15413-- $649652----- $590047
Median -2-- 2 -----1463--- $535000----$515000

Green=List Price
Red=Sold Price
Blue Line=Days On Market
Click Here For The Signature At MGM Summer 08 Sales Graph
---------Bd-- Bth--- SQFT--- Lp--- ----SP
High ----1 ----2 -----874 ---$599000-- $580000
Low ----0---- 1----- 520--- $304900-- $300000
Average- 0--- 1----- 595--- $3798066- $367357
Median -1---- 1----- 520 ---$357450-- $355000

Green=List Price
Red=Sold Price
Blue Line=Days On Market
Click Here Turnberry Place Summer 08 Sales Graph-----------Bd-- Bth---- SQFT--- Lp --------SP
High ------3---- 5------ 4130 --$2995000-- $2600000
Low------ 2 ----2------ 1556--- $443000--- $443000
Average --2 ----3------ 2603--- $1273036-- $1125264
Median --2---- 3------ 2195--- $850000--- $715000